I often get this question from clients who are entering into therapy for trauma recovery. One of the devastating experiences of individuals who are suffering from unresolved trauma is the experience of intrusive memories. Intrusive memories are recur...
A one sided relationship is a relationship between two people in which one party does virtually all the investment of resources, such as time, physical and mental energy, emotions and sometimes material resources while the other party simply sits bac...
How to Make Good Leaders for Society – Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe,PhD.
Neither good nor bad leaders are made in public offices. They are mostly made in homes during childhood through parenting. It is in the home that children learn the values and attitudes that make them good and effective leaders in adulthood, such as ...
Why You Should Share Your Problems – Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe,PhD
Are you experiencing a difficult moment in your work, business, relationship, finance, physical or mental health and you are wondering if it is necessary to tell someone about it? You may have listened to many people who discourage sharing of persona...
Domestic Violence: How Families and Friends Can Help
Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe, PhD. Counsellor/Psychotherapist. Domestic violence refers to any act of violence or abuse meted out to an individual within a domestic setting, such as marriage or cohabitation. It can take the form of physical abuse, suc...
How Negative Labelling Can Harm Your Child
Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe, PhD. Parenting is no doubt one of the most challenging but rewarding roles. A crucial aspect of parenting is paying attention to children ‘s behaviours, and taking steps to strengthen adaptive behaviours a...
How Families and Friends Can Help Survivors of Sexual Violence to Heal
Family members and friends of survivors of sexual violence can help them to cope, heal and recover from the physical and psychological effects of sexual violence by giving them the necessary support. Below are a few ways to support survivors of sexua...
Survivors of Sexual Violence and the Question of Forgiveness: Implications for Families and Professionals Working with Survivors.
Rosemary O. Ogedengbe, PhD, CBT Counsellor/ Sexual abuse trauma therapist The question of whether survivors of sexual violence should forgive their abusers seems to be a tough one, so much so that some professionals would rather not talk about it. Su...
Why Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse Should not be Spared
Rosemary O. Ogedengbe, PhD, CBT Counsellor/ Sexual abuse trauma therapist There are numerous reasons perpetrators of child sexual abuse must not be handled with kid gloves. Below are some of the reasons. Denial of justice could make abused children t...
LOVE AND DATING : What Every Teen should know About Relationship.
Rosemary O. Ogedengbe, PhD What Does it Mean to Have a Relationship? Man is not only a physical being but also a social and emotional being. No one can thrive in isolation. Hence, relationship is fundamental to our well-being. We interact with countl...