We provide individual and group learning experiences that equip children and young adults with knowledge that would help them to understand their bodies, thoughts, feelings and challenges as sexual beings, and equip them with practical self-help skills that would enable them to make informed positive choices about their sexuality, so that they would grow up healthy and safe from sexual abuse and risky sexual behaviours, avoid the distractions that come with early dating behaviour and concentrate on their academics and career goals.
- Comprehensive sexual health education covers a range of topics throughout the student’s grade levels. Along with parental and community support, it can help young people.
- Many students receive abstinence-only-until marriage programs instead of or in addition to more comprehensive programs.
Sexuality education is the provision of information about bodily development, relationships, along with skills-building to help young people communicate about and make informed decisions regarding their sexuality. Sexuality education should begin early and occur throughout adolescence. It should include information about puberty, reproduction, abstinence, contraception, relationships, sexual violence prevention, body image, gender identity and sexual orientation. Sexuality education should be informed by evidence of what works best to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. It should also acknowledge young people’s right to complete and honest information. Sexuality education should regard sexual development as a normal, natural part of human development.
As they grow up, young people face important decisions about relationships, sexuality, and sexual behavior. The decisions they make can impact their health and well-being for the rest of their lives. Young people have the right to lead healthy lives, and society has the responsibility to prepare them by providing them with comprehensive sexuality education that gives them the tools they need to make informed and beneficial decisions.
We need to help young people to take more and more control of their lives so that as they get older, they can make important life decisions on their own.
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