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About Us

for twenty one years, we have provided guidance and counselling services for individuals, families, schools and other organizations.


Rapha Counselling Concepts was registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission in June 2003 with BN No:139825, as a counselling and mentoring outfit for young people and adults who work with young people.

The initiative emanated from the founder’s passion to assist  young people to resolve the challenges that impinge on their well- being and development with a view to helping them to achieve a smooth transition  into responsible adulthood,  and ultimately attain self-actualisation.

A team of counsellors, psychotherapists and mentors

Individual and Group Counselling Services –Services are rendered to individuals on one -on - one basis and in groups when necessary. Our Clients refer clients to us. This is an undeniable proof of our expertise and commitment to client satisfaction.

We provide  guidance and counselling services for individuals, schools and other organisations.  Since its inception in 2003, Rapha Counselling Concepts  has   satisfactorily met the guidance and counselling needs of her clients.

Our school guidance and counselling services include:

Services for children and young adults:

–  Study skills improvement

–  Classroom learning enhancement

–  Helping  underachieving learners to excel

–  Personal Growth and career/vocational guidance and Counselling

– Anger management skills training

– Stress management skills training

– Assertiveness skills training

– Conflict resolution skills training

– Psychotherapy to help children and young adults with mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders,  depression,  suicide ideation,  trauma ( ASD, PTSD),  personality disorders,  etc.   Children who have experienced sexual Violence including online sexual exploitation can  experience anxiety, fear, depression, feelings of shame, low self- esteem, self blame, guilt and trauma, and may also be at high risk of re-victimisation and substance use, and  may also develop  problematic sexual behaviour and problematic viewing of pornography. Children who are victims of online sexual exploitation in particular can develop social media addiction,  problematic masturbation and viewing of pornography.    We provide psychotherapy to help  children and young adults who have experienced sexual Violence  including online sexual exploitation to heal from trauma and resolve  other   problems resulting from their experience of  sexual violence, such as substance use, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety,  problematic sexual behaviour,  social media addiction, problematic viewing of  pornography,  paranoia as well as relationship problems and  sexual dysfunction in older ones. We also help them to refocus on their  personal growth ( studies and career).

–  Behaviour Modification – We use evidence based psychological techniques  to  help  individuals to unlearn  maladaptive behaviours.  We have successfully  helped  some of our clients to resolve challenges such as pilfering, lie telling,  bullying, examination  malpractice, truancy, problematic  gambling,  problematic masturbation,   problematic viewing of pornography, oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc.

– Life skills  training – Life skills  are abilities that help individuals, especially  young people  to easily navigate through life. Life skills promote mental and physical health, enhance  tolerance and  consequently  support social  harmony. Life skills are protective factors. There are adequate scientific evidences  that  equipping young people with life skills empowers them  to avoid harmful  behaviours,  such as  substance use and  risky sexual behaviours including sexual violence.  Life skills have been found to keep young people away from crime.  Moreover, life skills equip young people to focus on personal growth, and hence, promote productivity and self-actualisation.

Our Life Skills training focuses on  communication and  interpersonal skills,  including  negotiation, assertiveness, peer resistance, refusal, critical thinking and  creative thinking;  problem solving and decision making;  self awareness, including values and value clarification;   empathy;  self care  and stress management skills; goal setting and goal priority; planning; time management;  etc.

– Sexuality   education –  Our sexuality education programme is  developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive and child protection focused.  The content includes   self- awareness,  adjusting to pubertal changes, reproductive health information, relationships and consequences of choices, skills on how to avoid sexual abuse,  such as  setting body boundaries,  assertiveness skills,  decision making skills, impulse or  self-control skills, goal setting  and  goal priority,   etc. The content  is delivered in a child friendly and developmentally  appropriate manner by only trained professionals.

– Personality Enhancement and Personal Growth Programme – Our personality enhancement and personal growth package is a short – medium  term counselling intervention  specifically designed to help young people to shape and enhance their evolving personality  and equip them with life skills for sustainable personal growth, so that they would live happily, enjoy a smooth transition into responsible and productive adulthood, and  actualise their potentials.  The components include mentoring, life skills training, and modification of identified problem behaviours that could inhibit the individual’s well being, development and growth. The programme is offered to individuals  in schools and in non school settings.

Trainings for Teachers, School Care Givers and  Administrators:

– Child handling training

– How to create a positive  school climate and  classroom environment

– Improvement of Classroom teaching efficiency.

– Skills for supporting underachieving children.

– – Teacher’s   image enhancement

–  Training on Prevention of  child sexual abuse within the school and appropriate  response.

– How to prevent substance use among young people

 Parenting Services 

–     Training and individual counselling:

–     How to help  children to maximize their  potentials.

–      Prevention and management of behavioural problems among children

–     How to provide sexuality education for children at different developmental stages – What do   you tell a three  year old boy or girl about  sexuality?  At what age is your son or daughter old enough to start dating?             

  • Child sexual abuse prevention within the family and community
  • How to protect children and adolescents from substance use
  • Handling emergent issues in parenting – Should my eight years old have unsupervised access to the internet? Why do young people abuse substances, and how can parents prevent substance use and abuse among young people ?
  • Parent child interactional therapy ( PCIT) to help parents resolve relational problems with their children.
  • Trauma informed parenting  skills training to empower  parents to be able to help  children who  have suffered adverse childhood experiences ( ACEs) such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, witnessing domestic violence, emotional abuse, bereavement, neglect, etc.
  • How to protect children from sexual abuse
  • How to protect children from substance use.

Trianings for  Administrators  and Care Givers in Orhpanages , Children’s Shelters,  Foster Homes and Correctional Facilities

It is important to understand that children in shelters or  homes,  and especially those in correctional facilities  are children already in distress.  Therefore, if the task of catering for these children is not  approached  with  understanding and appropriate skills,  these environments that are meant to provide sucour to these already  distressed  children can easily become sources of  additional stress to them.   There have been reports of children becoming traumatized,  re-traumatized or    learning maladaptive behaviours while in   facilities due to inadequate  skills,  and consequent poor handling of these children  by  caregivers and administrators,  where as these facilities should ordinarily facilitate children’s healing from trauma and unlearning of maladaptive behaviours.  Also, learning to accept and adjust to life away from one’s biological or known  family can be difficult and sometimes stressful  for children and adolescents,  some of whom may take out this  frustration on the caregivers by exhibiting behaviours  that the caregivers themselves may find annoying and frustrating, especially if such care givers are not adequately informed.  It is therefore not surpring to hear about conflicts between caregivers and children in facilities.   Therefore,   we have designed various trainings to equip caregivers and administrators of  orphanages, children’s homes,  shelters and correctional facilities  with skills to be able to effectively cater for children.  The trainings include :

– Required personal and professional qualities of a caregiver/ foster parent.

– Introduction to Child Growth and Development and Implications for  nurturing, care and supervision by care givers.

–  Trauma informed Care   Skills Training

–  Fostering Harmony among children in homes, shelters, correctional facilities.

–  Communication  skills  for effectively communicating with children in special needs (including, listening,  interviewing, observation Skills, etc).

– How to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse (in shelters, homes, correctional facilities).

– How to protect children from substance use

– Stress management training

– Burnout prevention and management

– Vicarious trauma management

Services  for Children in Orphanages, Shelters, Homes and Correctional Facilities:

Communication and social skills training  including conflict resolution, assertiveness

– Trauma Coping Skills training

– How to avoid sexual abuse

– How to avoid substance use

– Anger management skills training

– Stress management skills training

– Sexuality Education

-Educational Guidance and Counselling  including management of underachieving children.

– Personal Growth/ Career and Vocational Guidance and Counselling

– Individual and group psychotherapy

Modality: Onsite and virtual

Fees: Moderate and negotiable and depends on the number of participants

Individual and Group Counselling Services –Services are rendered to individuals  on one on one basis and in  groups

We have 17 years experience in working with young people and their families.
Our enthusiastic team is always here to help.
Our counselling specialists ensure you get the optimum results.

A Legacy of Innovation

We employ evidence based interventions to  help young people to thrive and actualise themselves. Rapha Counselling Concepts brings an integrated approach, years of experience and understanding of  the needs of  the next generation  to help young people answer tough questions regarding their development and resolve difficult psychological challenges.

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The Rapha Counselling team members are not only experts but are also committed to quality service and sustainability of results.

Whatever your aspirations, Rapha Counselling Concepts can help you to unlock your potentials for wellbeing and personal  growth. Get in touch today and see how we can help.

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