Relationship Counselling
Life, they say is in stages. As young people grow, there comes a time when they begin to prepare for future family life. There are things we could experiment with but family life is certainly not one of them. Entering into family life without proper guidance, readiness and self conviction could be detrimental.

We therefore make ourselves available to work with our young clients of marriageable age who are in relationship or about to start one, as they embark on this journey.
- interest assessment
- compatibility assessment
- needs and complementary value assessment
- investigation of objectives
- examination of mutual compromise
- mutual satisfaction assessment
- readiness assessment
- Enhancement of crucial aspects of deficiency
- Our Magazine 1.76 MB
- Rapha Brochure 2.86 MB

Dr. (Mrs) Oluseyi Odewale
(M.Ed., Phd. Guidance & Counselling