Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe, PhD. What is bullying as a behaviour? Bullying is an abusive behaviour. It involves the repetitive use of physical force, coercion or any form of harmful behaviour to intimidate or hurt...
How to Enhance Your Child’s Self Esteem: Simple steps that cost you nothing but can make your child feel so much valued.
Ogedengbe Oshiomah Rosemary, PhD. What is self Esteem? – Individuals have different beliefs or perceptions about themselves which we refer to as self concept. The way individuals perceive themselves or the beliefs they hold about themselves determi...
Christmas is not a Holiday from Parenting
I remember my teen years, growing up in Auchi, Edo State. I was living with my late paternal aunt. She was a perfect symbol of a caring but firm parent. She was the type of parent who would provide everything a child needs for well-being but would ne...
Give Children the Opportunity to Explain their Actions
A 4 year old boy went to his dad on a Saturday morning, crying. This was their conversation : Dad: Why are you crying? Son: Mommy hit me Dad: What did you do? Son: Nothing Dad: How do you mean nothing? Son: I did n...
Before You Punish a Child
Most parents will agree that we cannot rule out punishment in the process of raising morally healthy and responsible children. However, there are certain questions we need to find answers to before giving a punishment for a perceived misbehaviour. So...
Corporal Punishment in Schools
Rosemary Oshiomah Ogedengbe, PhD. It is indisputable that the school as the formal institution for the training of children should not compromise discipline. Nevertheless, contemporary child psychology frowns at corporal punishment, especially severe...