Rosemary O. Ogedengbe, PhD, CBT Counsellor/ Sexual abuse trauma therapist There are numerous reasons perpetrators of child sexual abuse must not be handled with kid gloves. Below are some of the reasons. Denial of justice could make abused children t...
Child Sexual Abuse: What Parents Can do.
Child sexual abuse is the engagement of an underage person (any one who is below the age of 18) in a sexual activity, such as kissing, sexual intercourse (including oral and anal sex), touching a child’s private body parts, making a child to vi...
How to Manage Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Part 1
Oppositional defiant disorder is characterised by a child’s consistent disregard for adults or authority figures. This is quite different from children’s ocassional display of stubbornness which is normal and can easily be corrected. Simp...
Christmas is not a Holiday from Parenting
I remember my teen years, growing up in Auchi, Edo State. I was living with my late paternal aunt. She was a perfect symbol of a caring but firm parent. She was the type of parent who would provide everything a child needs for well-being but would ne...