Rosemary O. Ogedengbe, PhD, CBT Counsellor/ Sexual abuse trauma therapist There are numerous reasons perpetrators of child sexual abuse must not be handled with kid gloves. Below are some of the reasons. Denial of justice could make abused children t...
What Every Young Person should know About Relationship.
Dr. Rosemary Oshiomah -Ogedengbe. What Does it Mean to Have a Relationship? Man is not only a physical being but also a social and emotional being. No one can thrive in isolation. Hence, relationship is fundamental to our well-being. We interact with...
Child Sexual Abuse: What Parents Can do.
Child sexual abuse is the engagement of an underage person (any one who is below the age of 18) in a sexual activity, such as kissing, sexual intercourse (including oral and anal sex), touching a child’s private body parts, making a child to vi...
Why Hard Work Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore
Someone asked me recently, why I think hard work does not matter in contemporary society, especially among young people. While we must recognize and celebrate the young people out there who have managed to achieve great feats through tenacious effort...
How to Manage Children With Oppositional Defiant Disorder(ODD) Part 2
More Effects of ODD, Diagnosis and Treatment. Other effects of ODD on a young person include stress and anxiety as the young person is always getting into one trouble or the other, at home and in the school. At adolescence, young people with ODD are ...
How to Manage Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Part 1
Oppositional defiant disorder is characterised by a child’s consistent disregard for adults or authority figures. This is quite different from children’s ocassional display of stubbornness which is normal and can easily be corrected. Simp...
Help Your Wards to Set Out Early to Succeed in School
The desire of every normal parent is for their child to excel. It is therefore normal to feel disappointed as a parent, if your child performs below expectation at the end of a school term. While we expect optimum performance from our children, it is...
Christmas is not a Holiday from Parenting
I remember my teen years, growing up in Auchi, Edo State. I was living with my late paternal aunt. She was a perfect symbol of a caring but firm parent. She was the type of parent who would provide everything a child needs for well-being but would ne...
Give Children the Opportunity to Explain their Actions
A 4 year old boy went to his dad on a Saturday morning, crying. This was their conversation : Dad: Why are you crying? Son: Mommy hit me Dad: What did you do? Son: Nothing Dad: How do you mean nothing? Son: I did n...
Before You Punish a Child
Most parents will agree that we cannot rule out punishment in the process of raising morally healthy and responsible children. However, there are certain questions we need to find answers to before giving a punishment for a perceived misbehaviour. So...